Saturday, August 6, 2011

August: Talkin' Shop!

On Thursday night, Brother Marcus Ellsworth and I linked up with Kyle and Stacey of The Hearts in Light (who are playing MANIFEST on the 19th of this month) to record some vocals for an audio project. I know that people are going to love what we’re in the process of banging out. I cannot wait to sink in and really flesh everything out in the near future. Mr. Christian aka Bishop Bacardi aka Mr. 19th Hole is EXCITED!

I am officially SOLD OUT of 3x and 2x MANIFEST shirts. I’ve got everything else running from Small to XL in stock though… for now. Mua ha ha! Get yourself one and look sexy for the summer.

I’m proud to announce that I’ve got MANIFEST booked through October right now. It pleases me immensely. I’m plotting on something grand for our 1-year birthday in November. How crazy is it that we’re almost in our younger toddler stage?

I posted earlier that I’m writing a poem a day for the month. So far, I haven’t composed anything uber amazing, but I can always go back and edit and tweak the material down the line.

Well kids, I’m off. Be good, have fun, and be happy!

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