Tuesday, June 29, 2010

God's Trombones Wrap-Up

This past Sunday, I had the honor of performing in God's Trombones at the Bessie Smith Hall. Before that, we had a rehearsal on Thursday, the 24th, and I was awed. It was the first chance I not only had to meet the people I'd be sharing the program with, but also to see them in action. The choir did a stellar job, and the assorted voices lending their talents to the poems were amazing. I knew that Sunday was going to be something special.

At the show, my expectations were not only met, but exceeded. Even though I was familiar with the poems and James Weldon Johnson, seeing the work executed in the manner that it was really presented it in a different and touching light. Shane Morrow, who culled this event together, performed with a dancer playing Death. She was on her way to bring a woman to Heaven. Brilliant.

I was responsible for running through "Let My People Go" accompanied by Shane Morrow (the marathon man). He sang and played piano behind me. I got amped up while I was running through the text, and I wish there was video of the show, because I'd love to see how it looked. A lot of times when I perform, I venture to another place. It would be interesting to see things from a different perspective.

I'm very proud of what we were able to do on Sunday. This marks my second event with Shane and TheCreativeUnderground. Make sure to stay up on the events that they'll be promoting, and, of course, if I manage to get into another function, I'll put the info out on here and the other tried and true media outlets.


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